Entries by AICH

New Volunteer Services Referral Coordinator

Assistance with referrals! Johanne Brown joined the AICH volunteer team this week. Johanne is a graduate student at Alliance Theological Seminary in Manhattan and has experience in case management and job development. She will be assisting with intake and referrals for individuals seeking medical insurance, health and wellness, housing information and general to specific inquiries […]

Volunteer Services Referral Coordinator

We now have a volunteer Health and Social Services Coordinator working two days per week.  The Coordinator can provide information on accessing emergency health care, Medicaid or Medicare applications, and referrals to case management and health care navigator services.  Please contact Johanna Brown (Chickasaw) at 646-575-3638 for more information.

AICH New Volunteer Executive Director Curtis Harris-Davia

Greetings AICH Community I am Curtis Harris Davia, San Carlos Apache, and I am honored to have been asked to step in as the temporary volunteer Executive Director at AICH. I arrived in New York City in 1989 and my first day I went to the Community House at 404 Lafayette St. I was greeted […]

American Indian Community House “Germ City Exhibit” at the Museum Of The City Of New York now through April 28th, 2019.

A fascinating look at New York City’s battle against infectious disease. Man and microbes have always co-habited, and their relationship has had a profound influence on human history—especially in cities, the crossroads of the movements of people, goods, and germs. Germ City: Microbes and the Metropolis explores the complex story of New York’s long battle […]


GENERAL, NONPROFIT PROFILE Originally published on MAR 14, 2018 By ALEJANDRA O’CONNELL-DOMENECH Research suggests that learning Lakota and other indigenous languages can improve overall health among Native Americans. (Illustration by Zach Williams/ NYN Media) In a small room in the basement of New York University, Aru Apaza sits with a group of a dozen others and gushes […]

The American Indian Community House, Still A Home Away From Home

Despite losing funding, the American Indian Community House continues serving indigenous populations of New York City Tony Enos • Indian Country Today • August 8, 2017 New York is known for being a transient city. Thousands come and go through the heart-pounding city of Manhattan every day. Getting overwhelmed by the concrete jungle can take only seconds, […]